Chapter 11 : Twilight Years
death, does fate persist in its relentless lancholy? 我段莲奋斗了一辈子,一辈子的拼搏,一辈子的血泪,一辈子的不服输,怎么到死了还是这样一个万年不变的悲苦命运?怎么还是这样个一层不变的结局。 Without parents to turn to, I stand self-sufficient; without a husband''''s support, I dedicate life''''s vitality and hopes to children. I have drained spirit and enery, lonin for son to ascend like a phoenix and dauhter to rise likewise. 父母无依,我可以自强自立;夫君无靠,我把一生心血,一世的希望都寄托在他们的身上。我耗费了心神,熬透了心血,盼儿成凤,盼女成凰。 Frotheir tender ae, I have iressed upon thethe necessity of self-reliance, urin thenot to depend on others for their destiny. Education and success in exanations represent the st prosin path for children of poverty - the solitary exit fropoverty. 从小我就教导他们人要自强自立,自力更生,不得心存侥幸,妄图靠他人改变命运。对于穷人的孩子来说,好好读书,参加科举,金榜题名是最好的路,也是穷人唯一的出路。 Yet, two sons do not love learnin. Does this indicate a universal truth - that the father''''s vior deternes that of the son? 可是我这两个儿子就是不爱读书,难道是虎父无犬子,若上一代强,下一代也不弱。犬父无虎子,若上一代弱,下一代注定也是弱的吗?